Team Profiles - Lurline (2022)
Type: Tripp 47
Skipper: Gib Black
Class: Racing Class, Fully Crewed
Hailing Port: Honolulu, Hawaii, USA
Hull Colour: Blue
LOA: 47
Beam: 13.67
Draft: 9
Yacht Club: Kaneohe YC
Designer: William Tripp III
Builder: Carroll Marine
Rig: Sloop, fractional
Sail Number: USA 43703
Status: 1m entered
"Beginning with the first running of the Vic-Maui Race in 1965, I have followed the previous participants routing, finishes and associated weather components with great interest and intrigue. A few of my friends have competed and completed the race and all speak of the challenging yet gratifying conditions, tactics and not least, the great send off in beautiful Victoria B.C. The cold aspects of the race have previously kept me from entering the race at bay, having been raised in Hawaii and spending so much time there in the warm ethos. However, it is finally time to lean forward and enter the 2022 race and cast aside any trepidation. In the anticipation of finally participating in the 2022 race, this coming December and Christmas, Santa promises to bring me my first pair of sailing boots!
I believe my boat, a Tripp 47, is very competitive and embodies the synergy and nucleus of a formidable and capable crew. The crew have sailed thousands of ocean and inland racing miles and have earned my admiration and respect. The boat crews numerous completed Transpacs, PacCups and other offshore races that they have sailed with me on, is a testament to their determination and competitive nature. They deserve this new opportunity for an enhanced northern latitude to southern latitude race, and to experience the humbleness and satisfaction that this race has the potential to exude. My crew and myself are all looking forward with eager anticipation to joining our Canadian pals and accompanying esprit de corps, for the 2022 Vic-Maui Race.