Vic-Maui Sponsors Donate Sponsorship Contributions
by RVYC Event Chair, October 24th, 2023

Vic-Maui sponsors elect to donate their 2024 Vic-Maui sponsorship contributions to the LYC Rebuild Fund and Maui wildfire charities.
CSR Marine, a SILVER sponsor of the Vic-Maui International Yacht Race, has asked us to send on their 2024 Sponsorship funds.
"CSR would like to direct our funds to the LYC Rebuild Fund. Throughout the years of sponsoring or competing in the Vic Maui race we've always been struck by the hospitality of the people of Hawaii and our friends at LYC. A hui hou. Mahalo." Nigel Barron, CSR Marine Inc.
Ralph's Radio, a GOLD sponsor of the Vic-Maui International Yacht Race, made a significant contribution to a Maui fund shortly after the devastating fires occurred.
Mahalo to the Rurak family, owners of Ralph's Radio Ltd., a company whose heart and soul is in supporting their maritime community well beyond their business.
Stewart Jones, Vic-Maui veteran and owner of SILVER Sponsor Pro-Tech Yacht Services Ltd., requested we send their 2024 Sponsorship contribution toward the rebuilding of the LYC, which we will gladly do.
"We certainly wish to donate our sponsorship as a contribution to the LYC Rebuild Fund. There is so much work to do in that community and the LYC. Regards Stewart”.
Another Vic-Maui past racer, champion, and GOLD-level sponsor, Stuart Dahlgren of UK Sailmakers Northwest requests their funds to be provided to help with the LYC rebuild.
"Jim, ...we would like to donate ... Please forward our sponsorship contribution to the LYC Rebuild Fund. Looking forward to what you come up with for 2026"
Regards, Stuart Dahlgren, UK Sailmakers Northwest.
The generous support and very kind donation from the Haslett Financial Inc. team will help start the Lahaina Yacht Club rebuilding!
"Haslett Financial would like to donate our sponsorship to the LYC Rebuild Fund. Sincerely Kevin Van Hullebush"
Tim Slater, Principal Consultant for GlobeSec Advisors, a GOLD Vic-Maui sponsor, as well as 2022 Vic-Maui racer and skipper of his yacht New Haven has very kindly directed us to donate their sponsorship contribution to the LYC Rebuild Fund!
With a lot of work to do, GlobeSec Advisors' generosity will help start the rebuilding!
Martin Marine owner David Goodman has enthusiastically supported the Vic-Maui Race as a GOLD sponsor for many years. His chandlery is a wonderful place with pretty much all you'd need and want for your boat.
Dave is very committed to supporting the Lahaina Yacht Club Rebuild Fund and has asked us to send his sponsorship dollars directly to this cause. Many thanks to him for continuing to support his marine community in the Pacific.
Tori Parrott, president of Signature Yachts Seattle, has raced TWO! Vic-Mauis and her company continues their many years of support as a SILVER sponsor of the Vic-Maui International Yacht Race.
Tori and her dedicated team are specialist yacht brokers for, among others, the Beneteau line of yachts, and their service is unparalleled.
Signature Yachts has directed Vic-Maui to provide their full sponsorship to the LYC Relief Fund. We gladly do so and thank them for this gracious gift.
Sea Maui, a GOLD Vic-Maui Race sponsor, treats you like extended family. In their spirit of Ohana, they directed us to send their 2023 Vic-Maui sponsorship to the LYC Rebuild Fund.
The best way to see Maui is with Sea Maui, voted the island's best boat tour for years. Have a good time, learn about the ocean, Maui, possibly even whales.
Our team of fun-going, salty sailors love our jobs and the cool people we get to meet! Sea Maui with us.
Deep Eddy Vodkas, a SILVER sponsor of the Vic-Maui race, has directed their 2023 sponsorship funds to be sent to the LYC Rebuild Fund.
Deep Eddy Vodkas - Our original vodka is made in small batches from the highest-quality corn. We distill 10 times in our state-of-the-art column still creating a cleaner, smoother vodka.
Deep Eddy is then filtered gently over charcoal 4 times, ensuring our subtle smooth flavor remains in the finished spirit.
We then finish the product using only the finest Texas water, which is about as perfect as water gets!
Because we are made from 100% corn, all Deep Eddy Vodkas are naturally gluten free.